We went to the beach (Small Point) on Monday morning with lots of relatives...it was Fenway's first real day at the beach. He loved it - wouldn't quite SWIM in the ocean, but went in pretty deep and let some waves crash over him! Then he basked in the sun with the rest of us.

After the beach, I drove down to Portland to pick up my friends Sarah and Ragan. We went to Brunswick to walk around the Bowdoin campus, then met up with the whole fam at China Rose for a birthday celebration for Nanny and Sadie.

The next day was the Fourth of July - and of course, it started off with us being late to the parade! Several of the family members were featured in the parade - Margaret with the Video Galaxy float, Hannah with the YMCA, and Noah with his martial arts academy. We always like to embarrass our family members by cheering for them, and when we chanted Noah's name, one of his instructors held his arm up like a prizefighter!! And then when our beloved Oakie came along, Caitlin and some of the other cousins ran out and asked him to hold up a sign that said "Where are you AJ?" in memory of the famous day he ran out and hugged Oakie. Good times.
Will add more soon...
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