Friday, October 06, 2006

You learn something everyday...

Well, I don't really think you do. But really, I think the ideal living situation is when you DO learn something new each and every day, and I am thankful that the past few days I really have. Yesterday, my friend and co-worker Brent taught me how to change the tube in my bike tire. Might seem like a small thing, but it was satisfying. Now I know that if I end up with a flat, I don't have to get to the nearest bike shop. I can fix it myself. And sometimes having something manual to do with your hands helps you get past the more traumatic parts of life that are running through your brain. Today, I learned about the process of making wine from another co-worker Stuart, who just got back from a month in France working the grape harvest. How brave of him, to get up and do something that he'd dreamt of, in a country where he barely spoke the language. To take a month off from everyday responsibilities and work and just DO SOMETHING REAL. How cool.

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