Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Words from an elitist, overeducated East Coast girl

Well, the writing class wasn't all that I hoped for. I liked the format, sitting around in a small group discussing things, but I didn't think the teacher or the other students were particularly bright or interesting. There was a lot of "let's say abstract, empty things in the hopes that they sound profound!" and also "let's bash on those elitist, overeducated people from the East Coast" and I am definitely one of those elitist, overeducated people from the East Bowdoin education has spoiled me for other academic experiences! I guess I really expected something more like the writing classes that I took at Bowdoin. Plus, I realized sitting in class that the types of literature that we were discussing (mainly memoirs and other non-fiction books told in a narrative fashion) aren't the types of books that I like READING, much less have any interest in writing. So I think I will drop out of the class and look for something different.

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